Activate, Daily Boost
Activate, Daily Boost
What you eat can, and does, impact the function of your brain, including the ability to
ward off Alzheimer’s disease. There is one food in particular that Dr. Uma Naidoo, a
Harvard nutritionist, and Lisa Genova, a Harvard-trained neuroscientist, say is the key to
a healthy brain: Green leafy vegetables with Kale, Spinach, Cabbage, Swiss Chard,
Bok Choy, and Mustard Greens being the most valuable.
Often, conditions like depression and dementia are associated with a vitamin B
deficiency. Green leafy vegetables are a wonderful source of vitamin B9. The vitamin,
also known as folate, is a key vitamin for supporting brain and neurological health,
optimal neurotransmitter function, and balanced psychological health. Leafy greens are
the first type of food to eat if you are looking to boost your mood.
Green leafy vegetables are also full of folate, lutein and beta-carotene. Lutein has
been linked to an improvement in brain function and brain structure for older adults.
Increasing intake of dietary fiber is associated with a lower chance of developing
depression, and leafy greens are extremely fiber-dense.
5 Cups of Vegetables per Serving